Our Mission
Mission of INDOCERT is to render reliable and affordable certification services in safe and sustainable food and agricultural production sector.

INDOCERT is a nationally and internationally operating, certification body established in India. INDOCERT is accredited by National Accreditation Body (NAB), Government of India, as per National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) for Crop production (Individual and Group), Processing (food and feed), Trade and Wild collection.
INDOCERT is internationally accredited by IOAS and compliant with ISO/IEC 17065:2012, to carry out certification of products, processes and services in the field of Organic production and processing. INDOCERT has recognised by the European Commission’s list of recognized control bodies under Regulation (EU) 2018/848 for the categories Category C (Aquaculture), D (Processed Food Products), E (Feed Products), and G (Others) in India, as well as Category A (Unprocessed Agricultural Products) in Sri Lanka. INDOCERT is included in the Swiss list of control bodies that can provide equivalent guaranties for products produced in accordance with of the Swiss Ordinance of Organic Farming SR 910.18. INDOCERT is also approved by BIOSUISSE to provide BioSuisse inspection services.
INDOCERT is approved by Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance (HABC) to offer Food Safety Training Programmes from Foundation Level to Level 4.
INDOCERT provides certification under various sustainable agricultural standards. INDOCERT is India’s first indigenous certification body approved for Rainforest Alliance (RA) certification. The RA certification is based on the Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture standard 2020 for farms and supply chains.
INDOCERT is also approved for providing trustea certification based on trustea standards for tea plantations.
INDOCERT offers 4C certification services for coffee and cocoa. INDOCERT is also empanelled as an approved certification body by Sustainable Castor Association and World Castor Sustainability Forum (WCSF) for providing audits in castor production and supply chain.
INDOCERT has been approved by UEBT (Union of Ethical Bio Trade) to offer certification services for UEBT ingredient certification and UEBT/RA herbs and spices program based on the relevant version of ethical bio trade standard.
Senior Management

Fr. Benny Varghese

Mathew Sebastian
Management Team

Anusha Resmi

Francis Paul

Jaicy Joseph

Jobin John

Chris George Mathew

Rudhin Babu

Mathews Thankachan
Country Representatives

Amal Jose

Riya Alex

Zenith Bony

Mimy Mathew

Raina Thomas

Rintu Kuriakose

Preethu Haresh

Harsha Thomas

Emily Alias

Sherin Varghese

Amritha Lekshmi

Babeesh Baskaran

Nissymol George
Inspectors/ Auditors

Krishnaprasad KP

Jibin Jose

Vaibhav Vinod

Aldrin Jacob Scaria

Arun P B

Emily Eldhose

Binitha Madanan

Sachit C K

Agin George

Nidhin Chacko Mani

Ananthu N

Anju PB

Anjana B

Beethumol Mathew

Uthara R Nath

Melany Tereesa Jose

Theresa Thomas

Jeenia C J
Administrative Support

Sabu Kumar P

Shyamily Kuriakose

Sreedhanya k

Aparna C A