Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Alliance

Sustainability standards and certification are revolutionizing the way businesses operate. The Rainforest Alliance is at the forefront of this transformation, working tirelessly to conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable livelihoods. By transforming land-use practices, business practices, and consumer behavior, the Rainforest Alliance aims to create a more sustainable world.

Farms adhering to the Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard implement rigorous measures to ensure efficient agriculture while protecting wildlife, biodiversity, workers’ rights, and local communities. Certified farms, group administrators, manufacturers, and distributors can apply to use the Rainforest Alliance Certified™ seal, signifying that their products are grown and sourced from certified farms.

INDOCERT plays a crucial role in this sustainability movement by certifying farms, groups, and factories that comply with the 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard: Farm Requirements and the 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard: Supply Chain Requirements.

RA Sustainable Agriculture Standard Farm Requirements

The objective of the Standard is to improve conservation of biodiversity and natural resources, farm productivity and resilience, and the livelihoods of farmers, workers, and their families. The Standard requires farms and group administrators to analyze and consequently mitigate environmental and social risks caused by agricultural activities through a process that motivates continual improvement. Certified farms operate an environmental and social management system according to the complexity of its operation and in compliance with applicable local legislation.

RA Sustainable Agriculture Standard Supply Chain Requirements

The Chain of Custody Standard establishes the best practices that a Participating Operator shall implement during the process of transforming products from certified farms in order to assure the traceability of these products throughout the supply chain.

Pre-assessment & Training

INDOCERT offers preassessment & Training as part of the Rainforest Alliance(optional). Please refer to the procedure and scale of fee for the same.

For obtaining applicable law and risk assessment for the countries operating by INDOCERT.

Enquire Now 

Jaicy Joseph
Phone: 04842922427
Mob: +91 8590136606
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