Find answers to common questions about certification processes, requirements, and INDOCERT’s services in our comprehensive FAQ section.


Organic certification:


It verifies that products are produced and processed according to established organic standards. Organic Certification can open up new markets for producers and facilitates the export of organic products.
Certification is essential to regulate and facilitate the sale of organic products to consumers
Farmers, producers, processors, distributors, exporters, and any other stakeholder of the agri-food sector.
A certificate issued by the accredited certification body to its operator annually for their specific activity in terms of production, processing and trading. Validity of Scope certificate -Organic certificate is valid for one year. Once you enter into the certification system, you must apply for annual renewal to maintain certification status.
A certificate issued by the accredited certification body to its operator for every sale of his product to the buyer.

EU certification program

The main objective of EU Regulation 834/2007 is to establish a clear and uniform framework for organic production and labeling within the EU. This regulation aims to ensure that organic products meet consistent standards, promote environmental sustainability, and maintain consumer trust in organic labeling.
According to Regulation 834/2007, organic products are those that have been produced in compliance with the principles and standards of organic farming as outlined in the regulation. This includes agricultural products, processed food, feed, and vegetative propagating material and seeds for cultivation, all of which must meet the specific requirements for organic production and labeling.
1.Processors and Manufacturers
2.Distributors and Traders ,doing relabelling
3.Farmers and Growers(Sri Lanka)
For processed products, the EU organic logo indicates that the product is in full conformity with the rules and conditions applicable to the production of processed food and that at least 95% of the ingredients of agricultural origin are organic.
Whenever the EU organic logo is used on a product, it always has to be accompanied by the code number of the control body and the place where the agricultural raw materials of which the product is composed have been farmed.

NPOP certification

The National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) is an initiative by the Government of India that sets the standards for organic production in the country. Managed by the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, NPOP outlines policies for the development and certification of organic products, including food and other agricultural commodities.
a.Crop production
b.Grower group certification
c.Wild collection
d.Mushroom cultivation

f.TraderNote: INDOCERT is unable to register new clients for the Processing and Trading sectors due to the sanctions imposed by APEDA.
1. In case of annual and biennial crops, plant products produced can be certified organic when the requirements prescribed under NPOP Standards have been met during the conversion period of at least two (2) years (organic Management) before sowing (the start of the production cycle).

2. In case of perennial plants other than grassland (excluding pastures and meadows), the first harvest may be certified as organic after at least thirty six (36)months of organic management according to the requirements prescribed under NPOP Standards.
1.The conversion period is the time between the start of organic management and the certification of the farming land as organic.The start of the conversion period may be calculated from the date of first inspection of the operator by the Certification Body.

2.That is the conversion period is the time required for a farm or production unit to transition from conventional to organic practices. During this period, the land or production unit must be managed according to organic standards, but the products cannot yet be sold as organic.
It refers to a unit of land that is under the conversion period in transition to organic agriculture. The first-year of conversion period is referred to as In- conversion (IC) 1, second year as IC 2 and third year (in case of perennials) as IC 3.
Within 3 months from the date of inspection.
Operator should complete the 12 months of conversion period .Organic logo can be used
Renewal Of the scopes starts 3 months before the date of validity expires. Operator must apply for annual renewal to maintain certification status.
A web-based traceability system for use by the registered operators and accredited Certification bodies under the NPOP.

Sustainability Certification:

Rainforest Alliance (RA) certification

RA certification is available for Cocoa, Coffee, Tea, Fruits and Vegetables, Nuts , Flowers , Herbs, and Spices. https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/commodity/
Being Rainforest Alliance certified means a product respects the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental.When you see frog logo on your favorite food and beverages, you can feel confident that these goods support a better world.
Whether an organization needs to go through registration and obtain certification depends on its specific activities. Generally, certification is required if the organization is involved in farming activities, engages in the physical handling of certified products (such as packing or processing), or is involved in the purchase and sale of certified products (e.g., trading). On the other hand, an organization is typically out of scope for certification if it only stores or transports certified products without making any modifications to the product or its packaging, or if it distributes a final consumer-facing product without altering it.
To become Rainforest Alliance certified, a company must follow these steps:

  1. Initial Registration: Register for the RA 2020 standard using the following link: Initial Registration.
  2. Receive RA ID and Access Multitrace (RACP): After completing the initial registration, you will receive an RA ID and a link to access the Multitrace (RACP) account: Multitrace (RACP) Login.
  3. Complete Profile and Verification: Using your RA ID, complete your profile in the RACP and proceed with the supply chain verification process. Based on the risk level assessment, we will determine if the audit will be onsite or remote. For farms, after completing your profile, you must confirm the scope in the portal.
  4. Apply for Certification: Submit an application through an approved certification body.
  5. Undergo an Audit: A third-party audit will be conducted to assess compliance with Rainforest Alliance standards.
  6. Implement Improvements: Address any non-compliances or areas needing improvement identified during the audit.
  7. Receive Certification: Once the audit confirms compliance, the company will be awarded certification.
Rainforest Alliance certifications are typically valid for three years. However, annual audits are conducted to ensure ongoing compliance with the standards.
Look for the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal on product packaging. You can also verify certification status through the Rainforest Alliance’s official website or by contacting the certification body.
For more details, visit the Rainforest Alliance’s official website at Rainforest Alliance or contact INDOCERT directly for guidance and support.

Trustea certification

Ans. Organisations may apply to register with the trustea Secretariat through its website The Registration form can be found online at [http://www.trustea.org] Once the trustea Secretariat has reviewed the application form for completeness, it will issue a unique client number, which will be used as an identifier for all verification activities.

Once registered with trustea Secretariat, the Organisation can download the trustea code book, implementation guide and other supporting documents.

In case the Organisation Needs Support,it can contact Implementing Partners-supported trustea FarmSupport Centers(FSC) located in Assam(Tinsukia), WestBengal(Siliguri) or TamilNadu(Coonoor) for an orientation Programme on the use of the Implementation Guides the process of conducting an internal Audit.

Registered Organizations must inform the trustea Secretariat (and if they already hold Verification Certificate also the CB) about any change in the registration information within six weeks of the change. Special Rules apply for change of scope and change of name, location and ownership of the organisation.
Ans 1. Registration through trustea website 2. Verification process of client by trustea 3. Achieving the user credentials 4. Profile completion and requesting for IP support 5. Processing the IP support request 6. Assigning the IP support 7. Handhold support,assessment,GAP audit,NOC of IP 8. If it is NOC get the Certification body selection 9. Certification body checks the entity profile,contract concept 10. Create audit plan 11. Onsite audit 12. Auditor prepare the audit report 13. Certification body submit the Audit report to the trustea 14. Trustea verify the audit report 15. The certification body generate draft V.C which is approved by the trustea 16. Trustea and entity verify the draft V.C 17. Issuing the approved final certificate
Ans: Duration to get the trustea certificate may vary based on the the scope and audit outcome and proper communication and confirmation from verified organization However, for minimum following timeline(30 -45 days) will take to get certified under trustea

Pre-audit time : Once The entity submitted the application to INDOCERT after the approval from trustea and IP implementation process, INDOCERT will complete the pre- audit process with in 10 days and the Audit can be planned within 17 days from the date of application.

Pre-audit time : If the audit is completed with zero non non-conformity.INDOCERT will submit final report trustea with in 10 days and trustea may take a minimum of 14 days to review and generate a draft VC. The final certificate can be issued within 2-4 days.
Ans: Certification costs may vary based on the Total area , Number of workers , Number of Small tea grower and number of factory.

Cost of the certification is based on the INDOCERT scale of fee documents on the website and Audit man days are calculated based on the audit man days calculation document (Doc – tSTF ADC 01) issued by the Trustea Sustainable Tea Foundation.

Kindly request the latest man-days calculation sheet if required.
Ans: Trustea certificate is valid for two years.

First audit will be certification audit and next audit will be a recertification audit and it should be done every alternate year. However, the verified organization has to conduct an internal audit within one year of every CB audit.

UEBT Certification

The Ethical Bio Trade Standard is an internationally-recognized standard addressing economic, social and ecological issues arising in the sourcing of ingredients from biodiversity. It focuses on regenerating biodiversity and securing a better future for people – the farmers and pickers involved in cultivation and wild collection activities.
Committed companies of any size (including individual farms, cooperatives, processors, manufacturers and brands) who are actively involved in the collection or cultivation of natural raw materials (ingredients from biodiversity). They might be producer organizations or companies that process materials into active ingredients, such as essential oils and herbal teas. They may be companies that manufacture final products such as fragrances, cosmetics, specialty food and more. Brands may also become members of UEBT. By sourcing with respect, companies are demonstrating leadership in their sector.
The UEBT standard is applicable to a wide variety of production systems, including cultivation and wild collection. Cultivation includes agriculture, cultivated tree and agroforestry. Wild collection refers to harvesting of plants and other natural raw material from natural habitats.
UEBT’s focus is on botanicals. The UEBT standard applies to botanicals that are collected, extracted or harvested and includes edible oils, nuts, fruit extracts, herbs, flowers, spices, resins and other ingredients.
The UEBT/Rainforest Alliance Herbs & Spices Program includes:

1. All ingredients used in herbal and fruit infusions, such as rooibos
2. Various herbs and spices, including vanilla, chili, and pepper
3. All wild-harvested crops
UEBT Certification is generally valid for one year. To maintain certification, companies must undergo annual audits to ensure continued compliance with UEBT standards.
UEBT audits are specifically required to be conducted during the harvest season. This timing is essential for evaluating the actual practices and conditions of the harvest activities. By conducting the audit during this period, it ensures that ethical standards are applied in real-time and allows for a thorough assessment of the harvest process and practices.
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